Search results for ”flow”: 22 results

How paving systems can positively impact the wellbeing of people living with Dementia in care homes

Most recent figures show that there are currently around 900 000 people living with dementia in the UK. Medical professionals…


How to Modernise Concrete Paving

Concrete paving has been used for decades to build our communities and cities, shaping the world we live in. As…


Impressive New-builds with GeoCeramica®

Porcelain paving has taken the UK by storm, as both homeowners and major housebuilders demand ever higher standards when it…


Introducing Invicta Block Paving, the brand-new innovative product range by Brett Landscaping

While certain landscaping trends may come and go, one certainty is that longevity and performance will always be valued highly…


Meet Lugano – The trend setting block paving for your commercial project

Brett’s Lugano Block Paving range is a key choice for homeowners due to its stylish aesthetic. It is a contemporary…


Stunning Patios with GeoCeramica®

Porcelain paving has taken the UK by storm as homeowners demand ever higher standards when it comes to patio paving…


Sustainable Urban Drainage (SuDS) revolutionises flood resilience in Mansfield

Brett Landscaping recently partnered with Severn Trent Water to collaborate on the UK’s largest SuDS project. The £76 million sustainable…


The science behind the style – Invicta Flow at work

Developers of large commercial schemes in the UK need to adapt to the changing demands of the climate. Built up…


Utilising Outside Space Through Roofscape Design

Space for development is at a premium in urban areas, with every square metre being a valuable commodity. The solution…


World Water Day, SuDS and How Brett Are Combatting Extreme Flooding Events

Every year, news of flooding becomes more common. In just the first few months of 2024, flood and weather alerts have already been issued nationwide as rain and flooding swept the country. With the effects of our changing climate and increasing rainfall, areas previously unaffected by flooding now seem more susceptible to poor weather.


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